Prices for appointments from January 1st 2024
Dog - £65
Horse - £115
Prices are inclusive of travel.
I can also see both horses and dogs at Walkhurst Farm in Benenden, this is likely to give you a shorter waiting time and can be offered at a reduced cost.
Horses £100
Dogs £60
Multiple horse discounts are available - please ask for a quote
Horses can be sedated if necessary at an additional cost of £15
At each appointment I discuss the case in depth with you, I watch the horse move, assess the motion in each individual joint and vertebra and adjust as I go. Rehab is discussed on an individual case. I will leave you with a report sheet of my findings and I am more than happy to liase with your vet if required.
I am now also able to provide orthopaedic, poor performance and routine veterinary services, please see for further information.
Generally I am able to offer appointments during the day with the occasional Saturday. I can often cater for horses at short notice if you are able to travel to me at Walkhurst Farm in Benenden.
Payments are to be made at the time of visit by cash, paypal or card.
CANCELLATIONS - I require 48 hours notice to cancel an appointment (unless extreme extenuation circumstances) or a £30 cancellation fee will apply per horse. If I am already travelling to you when you cancel then the full fee will be invoiced.